"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."Margaret Mead
In the 60’s a group of architects came together to define the main points and set the agenda for the future of living dimension, urbanism and architecture.
It was the Team 10.
Now, it is not so relevant to rebuild the historic background that identifies that group, which nature was hybrid. It is much more important to recognize the resonance that this meeting moment had for the future.
A moment of careful consideration, comparison, collective exploration influenced by different cultures having a common interest, i.e. give expression to a new shared goal, a far-sighted view of the present. This was the purpose of the Team 10.
1. Team 10 in the garden of Van Eyck's home at Loenen, 1974 |
What happened in
A group of collectives, start-ups, architects, artists from all over Italy, invited by “Small” to talk about reuse and their experiences. The aim was to get to know each other, to connect, to establish a common agenda and spread a different culture.
The culture of “generate new opportunities where there are none”. The culture of “give responsibility to who avoid assuming it” and transform them into active participants - the citizen and the public administration. This is the hope and the goal for the future. There are 14 groups (see the list below) of people who travelled around the world and lived in different cultures, economic and political systems. The common ground of these people is a deep consciousness that
They are young people full of ideas, who demand total freedom of expression for the place where they live. They are courageous people who want to link together and change their own future. It is an underground movement driven by economic necessity. The collective awareness of the division strategy – like for the roman concept “divide et impera”- drive to a social poverty.
These realities are like satellites, which rotate together around the theme of reuse, as well as building recycling and urban reactivation.
After these two days of meetings, it is possible assert that there is a grassroot movement which is generating a wave of change and is proposing a new model to retrieve
They show a new different successful model, where all the organizations involved - government, public administration, local government, foundations, journals, individual citizens – can take advantage. If the main reason of the abandon of a building or a land is the lack of interest and lack of care, show a different use of them, can activate new dynamics.
But how much time will pass before the public administration realizes the potential of young people? How many generations will pass away to understand that creating a network for a collective interest is more productive - even in economic terms - than acting alone? How much time will pass before the public administration becomes responsible, takes charge and coordinates the promotion and control of all the organizations that can be involved?
2. Round table after the conference Standbyldings |
• Temporiuso - Milan
• ManifeTso 2020 - Trieste
• Tspoon - Rome
• Spazi Docili - Florence
• Ciclostile architettura - Bologna
• Lost and Found - Viterbo
• :esibisco - Florence-Berlin
• ICSplat - Caltagirone
• Rudere - Agrigento-Rome
• Impossible living - Milan
• Cluster Theory - Ferrara
• Primulecaserme - Venice
1. www.team10online.org
2. www.smallab.it